Privacy as Basis for mutual dealings and Trust!

Privacy as Basis for mutual dealings and Trust!

Privacy is a fundamental right of every citizen. ART is therefore committed to protecting the privacy of its employees, customers, suppliers, visitors of our website and business partners, and all other parties of whom it processes personal data. Protecting privacy is important for the propagation of our values. In particular this regards our value “our customers first”. Our sincere involvement with and interest in our customers and building trust and a valuable relationship, for us also means that we handle personal data with all due care.

This Privacy Statement applies to ART B.V. and all its subsidiaries from time to time. ART is active in the industrial dust suppression and road stabilisation area of the infrastructure sector.

Why does ART have a Privacy Statement?

In order to be able to serve you adequately and to carry out our work as well as possible, we can process your personal data. This applies to our customers, suppliers, employees, visitors of our website and business partners and all other parties whose personal data we process.

You can read in this Privacy Statement which (categories of) personal data we process from you, for what purposes, who may view your data, how we store your data, to whom we pass on your data and what influence you can exert thereon yourself. Your privacy interest is our priority!

Who is Responsible for the Processing of your Personal Data?

The party who is responsible for the processing of your personal data is:

African Road Technology is a trade name of Atlas Road Technology B.V.
Chamber of Commerce 60465182

The Compliance Officer of ART is the contact person in the area of privacy, he can be reached via

More information about our organisation can be found here on our website.

Which Personal Data do we Process from You?

ART processes your personal data when you contact us or have a (potential) (work) relationship with us. Below you find an overview of the personal data that we can process from you:

  • First and last name
  • Gender
  • Address details
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Date of birth
  • Citizen Service Number
  • Nationality

For which purposes does ART use your Personal Data?

ART processes your personal data solely for promoting efficient and effective business operations, and more in particular for one or more of the following purposes:

  • Recruitment: recruitment & selection of new employees and candidates.
  • Internal and external provision of information: this inter alia includes sending newsletters and sending information about various activities that ART carries out.
  • Conclusion and execution of agreements with employees, customers, consumers, suppliers and business partners: this includes the processing of personal data that are necessary to conclude an agreement and to be able to provide or receive a service.
  • Customer involvement, relationship management and marketing: this includes maintaining and promoting contacts with (former) employees, customers, suppliers, business partners, consumers and account management for marketing purposes and market research.
  • Health, safety and security: this purpose focuses on activities such as health and safety at work, the protection of company and employee assets and the authentication of the status of employees, investigators, customers, business partners and/or suppliers and access rights.
  • Management of projects: this purpose focuses on managing access to operational sites (for example license plate number registration and / or access cards) and monitoring safety by means of sensors and cameras.
  • Complaints handling: here data are collected of people (e.g. customers, employees, local residents) who have filed a complaint at a complaints desk.

ART only processes the data that are necessary for the purpose for which they were obtained.

ART may only process personal data from you if we have a lawful basis for that. The lawful basis for processing your personal data depends on the service that you make use of. This may be one or more of the following lawful bases:

  • Your consent;
  • The processing of your data is necessary for the execution of an agreement;
  • The processing of your data is necessary to comply with a legal obligation;
  • The processing of your data is necessary to protect you against serious threats to your health; and
  • The processing of your data is necessary in view of the interests of ART, in situations where your own interests do not prevail.

How does ART handle your Personal Data?

Carefully, safely and confidentially. This is how we handle your personal data. To achieve this, ART has drawn up policy documents, specifically in the areas of privacy and security, and we apply these continuously. You can rest assured that your privacy and security is guaranteed throughout our entire organisation.


To protect your privacy and the confidentiality of your data, ART takes appropriate technical and organisational measures.

We take security measures to prevent misuse of and unauthorised access to personal data. Anyone who can access your personal data via ART has a duty of confidentiality.

The systems in which customer data are stored are only accessible for a select group of employees who need to have access thereto for the performance of their duties.

If, unexpectedly, there is evidence or if we suspect that something has gone wrong with the protection of your personal data, , we will report this to the Data Protection Authority. If the violation of your personal data may have unfavourable or adverse consequences for you, we will inform you thereof as soon as possible.

Retention of Personal Data

ART does not retain your data any longer than is necessary for the purposes for which your data are processed and than legally permitted. How long certain data are retained depends on the nature of the data and the purposes for which they are processed. The retention period can therefore be different for each separate purpose. This has been laid down by ART in specific policies.

Providing Personal Data to Third Parties

We explicitly do not provide your personal data to third parties, unless this is necessary in the context of the execution of the agreement, in case it is legally required or if you have given us your consent. Such third parties for example include the Tax Authorities, Pension Funds, the Labour Inspectorate and other supervisory authorities.

ART may also be obliged to provide personal data to third parties on the basis of laws or regulations, pursuant to a judgment of a competent court, or in case of fraud or misuse. If that is the case, ART will provide its cooperation.

Passing on your Data to Countries outside the European Union
ART will not pass on your personal data to any company or branch in any country outside the European Union, unless a (model) agreement has been concluded or you have signed a declaration in which you have given your consent therefore t.

What do we do with your Visitor Data?

On the websites of ART general visitor data are registered, such as the most visited pages. With these data we can further optimise the layout of our website. These data can also be used to place more targeted information on the site. This allows us to further improve our services. We also register how visitors navigate through the ART website. These data are only stored and processed internally.

Our website may contain references and/or hyperlinks to one or more websites of third parties. We are in no way liable for how these third parties comply with the privacy legislation. We recommend that you read the privacy statement on the websites of these third parties for information about the ways in which these third parties handle your personal data.

What do we do with Cookies?

Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer and are used by websites to be able to function or display the website pages properly. We use cookies to improve your user experience. We use the following types of cookies:

Functional Cookies
These cookies are necessary for the functioning of our website. They keep track of your preferences and therefore remember that you have been on the site before. For example, Google remembers your preference for the search language. This type of cookies does not collect any personal data from you. We therefore do not need your permission for using these cookies.

In addition, we also use a cookie from the company ‘My Fonts’. This service places fonts on our website, being varieties of letter types. A font contains all characters (capitals, undercast, numbers and punctuation marks) of the scripts and logos that can be found on our website and gives the most optimal experience.

Analytical Cookies
With these cookies we can collect statistics from our website, for example which pages are visited and for how long. In Google Analytics for example, the number of visitors, location of visitors and the used browser can be measured. This type of cookies does not collect any personal data from you. We therefore do not need your consent for these cookies.

Tracking Cookies
These cookies allow individual tracking on the website. By tracking the behaviour of visitors on our website, we can improve the experience on our website. Via our website a cookie is placed by Google, as part of the “Analytics” service. We use this service to track and get reports on how visitors use our website. Google can provide this information to third parties if Google is legally obliged to do so, or if third parties process the information on behalf of Google. We have no influence on that. The information that Google collects is (as much as possible) anonymised. Your IP address is not given. The information is transferred to and stored by Google on servers in the United States.

What are Your Rights?

When ART processes personal data from you, you have certain rights that are explained below.

Right of Access to your Personal Data
Are you a ART customer and do you want to see which personal data from you are known to us? Then you can use your ‘Right of Access’. If you do so, we will ask you to indicate specifically which personal data you would like to receive.

Right to Rectification
You have the right to rectify data if your data are incorrect or incomplete. You also have the right to rectify the data if the data are not relevant for the purpose for which we process them, or if your data have been processed by us in violation of a legal regulation.

We will inform the third party/parties who have received your information from us of any rectification, unless this is impossible or requires disproportionate efforts from us.

Right to Erasure of Data
You also have the right to have certain data erased. For example, if your data are no longer required for the purposes for which we have received them, if you object to the processing or if your data have been processed unlawfully by us. However, we cannot always erase all requested data, because we are or may be obliged to retain certain data from you.

Right to Restriction of Processing
You also have the right to restrict the processing of your data. The right to restriction means that we (temporarily) cannot process your personal data and cannot change them. This is the case if you dispute the correctness of the data, if you believe that the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes, or if you believe that the processing of your personal data by ART is unlawful.

Right to Object
You can object to the processing of your personal data by ART if your personal data are used for purposes other than those for which you have given consent, than necessary for the execution of an agreement, than necessary for compliance with a legal obligation or one of the other lawful bases. For example, if you do not want us to use your personal data to send you personal offers.

Right to Data Portability
If you have provided us with your personal data, you are entitled to data portability in certain cases. This means that we will provide your data to you in a structured, standard and machine-readable manner, if requested by you.

How can you Exercise your Rights?

If you wish to exercise your rights, you can contact us at any time via the contact details stated below, or by sending us a letter with your name, address and telephone number. We will respond to your request within one month.

We ask you to identify yourself on the basis of a valid proof of identity. In this way we can check whether we provide the personal data to the right person.

Supervision on the Processing of Personal Data

If you are of the opinion that the provisions of this Privacy Statement or the General Data Protection Regulation are not or not sufficiently complied with by us, you can report this via

If you suspect that we process your personal data in a manner that is contrary to the privacy legislation, you have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens). This can be done via the complaints form on their website.

Data Breach

If you suspect a data breach, you can report this to

About this Privacy Statement

ART may update this Privacy Statement. The last change was in September 2019. The most recent version can always be found on our website.

If you have any questions or comments about our Privacy Statement, please do not hesitate to contact us via

Amsterdam, the Netherlands, September 2019